Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prayer: A Whole New World

What is prayer like? Well, it's kinda like love. Comparing prayer to the characteristics of love as per 1 Cor 13:4-8:

Prayer is about being patient in waiting for God to act; it's an act of kindness and protection to those we pray for; there can hardly be any envy or boasting or pride whilst praying; prayers really shouldn't be all about ourselves (although this is probably the biggest failure here) and even less should it be a recounting of all the wrong done to us; prayers are about God's truth and hence must never encourage evil; ultimately, someone who prays often would put himself in a position of trust and hope, a stance which must be persevered at.

Of course, the prayers of a righteous shall never fail, at least in no final sense of the word. God vindicates His people in the end, with their prayers as a major vehicle of said victory.

View more presentations from Alwyn Lau.

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