Monday, March 22, 2010

The 4 Loves

View more presentations from Alwyn Lau.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

National Postal Bible Quiz (April 10th, 11am)

Luther House Chapel is glad to be a center for the National Postal Bible Quiz 2010. Below is the invitation letter from SUFES:

Dear friends,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

I think it’s not too late for us to wish you a most blessed and hopeful New Year. Once again we look forward to a meaningful Postal Quiz experience for 2010. We hope that you will continue to encourage your students to study for the SPM Bible Knowledge subject despite the limited number of subjects allowed and also the current uncertainties concerning the SPM BK subject. As for the Postal Quiz project, let it continue to be a catalyst to spur our young people to study God’s Word in depth and develop a sense of belonging as a community of believers as they sit for the Quiz together.

As the Organizer of the Quiz we have been greatly encouraged yearly to see the increase in numbers of centres and participants and to get positive feedback about how the Quiz project has created greater interest in God’s Word. We pray that our partnership in reaching the next generation with God’s Word will continue to bear much fruit to the glory of His name. Let’s have faith that the Quiz is a small step to build up a generation of biblically sound citizens leading the country in every area of government or private enterprise.

Do help us to publicize this Quiz project to others who might have not heard or known about it so that the number of centers and participants will continue to increase. We thank you for being our faithful friends and partners in this project and may God reward each one of you with His presence and love as you serve Him faithfully.

Details for the quiz held at Luther House are as follows:

  • Date / Time : April 10th 2010 (Saturday), 11.00am – 11.45am

  • Venue : Luther House Chapel, 1st and 2nd Floor

  • Eligibility : Any one of any age!

  • Format of Questions : 50 questions (20 fill-in-the-blanks questions and 30 multiple choice questions)

  • Language Options : English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil and Iban

  • Bible Passage : Genesis 12-15 and Luke 15:24

  • Cost : Free!
Participants who score 40% and above will be awarded the MCSC (Malayan Christian Schools’ Council) certificate. The top ten highest scoring participants will be awarded the Rosie Cheah Award (consisting of a medal & entitlement for a free Scripture Union Camp).

For anyone interested (and all are encouraged) please write to Alwyn to register. Closing date for registration is April 4th, 2010.