Don't worry about what 'deconstruction' means - what do you think of the following 10 ideas (from David Hayward) for doing church:
- Determine in your heart that you will do all things out of love, compassion and patience.
- Make sure this is what you want no matter what the cost (because often the cost is high).
- Are there any leaders or elders who are in agreement with you and will endure with you for the long haul?
- Start speaking honestly about what you are feeling and thinking. Begin with your closest group and move out to the whole community.
- Allow people to see you at your weakest. Then allow them to reveal themselves at their weakest.
- Let things die that require coercion, manipulation, begging or controlling others in order to live and continue on.
- Welcome diversity in belief, thought and lifestyle (they are already diverse, you are just welcoming its open expression).
- Change the teaching/ preaching time to a shorter teaching time with discussion following. This is scary at first, but you’ll get used to it and eventually prefer it. This levels the playing field really fast.
- Challenge only those who are judging, abusing, and controlling others.
- If people decide this is not for them, bless them as they go (because they will eventually go).
Which do you agree or disagree with? Why or why not?